Monday, June 8, 2009

SDM Troubleshooting

SDM Server Fails to Start


If you try to start the SDM server and either:


It fails to start with exit code 8

  1. Text such as the following exists in SDM:

    SDM is currently detached from JStartupFramework. Forward this information to the JStartupFramework (disable SDM process).

This means that SDM is currently in what is called standalone mode.


To start it using the JStartupFramework, you should set it to integrated mode. Open the command prompt in directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME >/SDM/program and execute:

sdm jstartup mode=integrated

Note that depending on your command interpreter, the param name, equal sign and param value may be enclosed with quotation marks(").

After executing the command, try to start the SDM server again.

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