Monday, June 8, 2009

SDM Cannot Start J2EE Cluster

SDM Cannot Start J2EE Cluster


If you see one of the following messages in the SDM logs or in the SDM Remote GUI Client deployment result panel:

SDM could not start the J2EE cluster on the host HOST_NAME! The online deployment is terminated.
A timeout occurred during the cluster running verification!


SDM could not stop the J2EE cluster! The offline deployment is terminated. A timeout occurred during the cluster stopped verification!


SDM could not start the J2EE cluster on the host <host_name>! The online deployment is terminated.
A timeout occurred during the cluster running verification!

then this generally means that the SDM feature "automatic start/stop of SAP J2EE Engine" was enabled (since SP6 release this is the default SDM behavior) and a timeout occurred when SDM tried to start/stop the J2EE Engine.


The default timeout is 1800000 milliseconds(=30 minutes), so if the environment where the J2EE Engine is started or stopped has lower computing capabilities, then the process itself will be slower and the timeout should be increased.

Open command prompt in directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE_NAME >/SDM/program and execute:

sdm j2eeenginestartstop mode=automatic timeoutmillisec=<increased_timeout>

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